Looking to integrate TREB listings into WordPress? Check this post by Shift8 Out

Hey there, I thought I’d link to a blog post by our web design and development site regarding a new Python based tool that allows you to grab TREB listings, listing images and all the TREB data and directly import the extracted data into a WordPress site. The entire Python code was released with the […]

https://www.stackstar.com/looking-to-integrate-treb-listings-into-wordpress-check-this-post-by-shift8-out/ Star Dot Hosting Corporate Website Relaunched!

We are very pleased to announce the re-launch of our corporate website! We have completely redesigned the look, feel and user interface. I think its much nicer, modern and slick 🙂 CHECK IT OUT TO SEE FOR YOURSELF!

https://www.stackstar.com/star-dot-hosting-corporate-website-relaunched/ Managed VPS hosting services from Star Dot Hosting

Click here for a free quote for managed vps hosting! Hello, I thought I’d update our blog to let everyone know that we offer our extensive managed services catalog on our VPS infrastructure! If you are looking for high quality managed services from systems administrators with extensive experience, then contact our sales department for a […]

https://www.stackstar.com/managed-vps-hosting-services-from-star-dot-hosting/ Managed hosting services from Star Dot Hosting

Hello There, This update is to highlight the managed hosting services and systems administration services offered by Star Dot Hosting. We are proud to offer some of the highest standards of managed hosting services in the industry. Here are some of the services we offer : – 24x7x365 Monitoring, Alerting & Trending – 24x7x365 ~15minute […]

https://www.stackstar.com/managed-hosting-services-from-star-dot-hosting/ Linux VPS, Virtual Hosting, XEN VPS Hosting, CPanel VPS Hosting or Managed Hosting Services

Hey there, Before I update regarding my continued experiences with Xen, KVM, Varnish, FreeBSD and all the other (exciting) things that I do, I thought I’d remind anyone here who is looking for linux vps hosting, virtual hosting or specifically xen vps hosting or even cpanel vps hosting to check out our company website : […]

https://www.stackstar.com/linux-vps-virtual-hosting-xen-vps-hosting-cpanel-vps-hosting-or-managed-hosting-services/ New website re-design

We have re-designed our website and are very proud of the new look! Take a look for yourself : WWW.STARDOTHOSTING.COM Let us know what you think!

https://www.stackstar.com/new-website-re-design/ 50% off any hosting plan for the first THREE months!

We are excited about a new promotion for our web hosting catalog here at *.hosting. We are offering a 50% discount for ANY of our SHARED or VPS hosting plans for the first 3 (thats THREE) months!!!! Simply enter the following promotional code during the signup process : SDH50OFF2010 It’s that simple! The 50% discount […]

https://www.stackstar.com/50-off-any-hosting-plan-for-the-three-months/ Hosting Coupon : 60% off the first month for ANY plan!

Hello there, Just thought I’d share an exclusive coupon / discount for all of our shared / vps hosting plans that allows for 60% off the first month of hosting fee’s : COUPON CODE : SDHTWT2010 Take a look at our main site for plan details. This coupon expires and there is only a limited […]

https://www.stackstar.com/hosting-coupon-60-off-the-first-month-for-any-plan/ Company site re-design

Greetings! I thought it would be prudent to let you all know that we have recently re-designed our front facing company website. You’ll also notice that our core prices for shared and VPS hosting have been significantly lowered, with resources allocated for each plan increased significantly (!). Take a look at our site, if you […]
